The Death of Aiguillon

Set in the Dominion of the Fallen universe, about sixty years before The House of Shattered Wings starts. During the Great Houses War, the House of Aiguillon falls, and a servant girl of Annamite descent struggles to find safety in war-torn Paris.
In the end, as she had known she would, Huyen crept back to the House of Aiguillon.
Dawn was barely breaking over Paris: a sick, vague pink tinge to the maelstrom of spells that filled the entire sky like roiling clouds. No sun, no stars; merely the acrid taste of spent magic that settled in the lungs like the beginnings of a cough, and a haze over the cobblestones that could hide anything from explosives to chimeras.
The great gates hung open. Through the haze, Huyen caught a glimpse of bodies, lying like discarded puppets in the gardens; and of what had once been the corridors, now open to the winds, with the familiar peony wallpaper singed and torn–Huyen remembered running with one hand following the flowers, drawing a line through the corridor as a way to find her way back to the kitchens–another time, another age. The House had succumbed, and nothing would ever be the same.
The Dominion of the Fallen Reading Order (Novels Only)
Book 1. The House of Shattered Wings | Book 2. The House of Binding Thorns | Book 3. The House of Sundering Flames |
Book 3.5. Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders | Book 3.6. Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances
The Dominion of the Fallen Reading Order (Complete)
0.2. “Of Books, and Earth, and Courtship” | 0.5. “In Morningstar’s Shadow” | 0.6. “Against the Encroaching Darkness” | 0.7. “The Death of Aiguillon” | 0.8 “Court of Birth, Court of Strength” | 0.9. “The House, in Winter” | Book 1. The House of Shattered Wings | 1.5. “Children of Thorns, Children of Water” | Book 2. The House of Binding Thorns | Book 3. The House of Sundering Flames |
Book 3.5. Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders | Book 3.6. Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances