Quick update

Sorry for the radio silence, it’s been a busy couple of weeks. I’m revising the novel on a tight deadline, hence the lack of updates on this blog (revisions not making for fascinating blogging, though at some point I may well blog about my revisions process ^^).
Spurred on by Rochita Loenen-Ruiz (who’s got a wonderful board of inspiration), I made a pinterest blog for House of Shattered Wings. It’s below if you’re interested!
(the featured image is totally the way I imagine Morningstar in his heyday, aka “I end fights just by showing up” ^^).
Also, the novel page has been updated with preorder information for the Roc edition (Kindle and Hardcover in the US, Canada and Philippines) in addition to the Gollancz hardcover–if you’ve preordered or are going to, hang on to your receipt, I’ll have some goodies for you closer to release date (when I can breathe feel the deadline pressure :))
Follow Aliette’s board House of Shattered Wings on Pinterest.
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