

Can haz first draft of Vietnamese-space-station novella! Clocking in at 30k words and a bit (for once, I actually respected my projected wordcount :p ). Now to clean the thing up (got three different plots intersecting, and it’s a bit of a mess).

And to find a title. That would be nice. I’m guessing Dream of Red Stations is quite out of the question?


  1. Oh, awesome!

    Hmm. Sounds vaguely familiar. Like “Dream of the Red Chamber”? But that’s Chinese, not Vietnamese, if you don’t mind the reference. Or was the reference intentional?

  2. >But that’s Chinese, not Vietnamese, if you don’t mind the reference. Or was the reference intentional?< Totally intentional! Dream of the Red Chamber is Manchu-Chinese (and not Han-Chinese, contrary to what a lot of people think), and it was a major inspiration. Except that I moved everything to Vietnam in a Chinese-dominated universe...

  3. Oh, excellent! Well, that works, then! 😀 Good luck on revisions!

  4. :=) Thanks, Laura!

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