Misc. update


You might have noticed I’ve been particularly distracted and/or busy lately. I wish I could say all that energy had gone into actual writing, but not so much…

Without going into gory details (there’s a bunch of things I’d rather save for private consumption), what I can say is that we have some big changes afoot. Namely, I’m changing jobs; and we’re moving flats, in order to be closer to where I will be working (and to my family).

It’s the moving flats that’s proving to be time-consuming, as we’re renovating the new flat pretty much from top to bottom, and of course you always spend so much time looking up what stuff you want to put there (and packing boxes).

At any rate, if you’ve been wondering, that’s where we are now; and why the attention span hasn’t been happening so much lately.

But I’m also in a position to confirm that both the H and I will be at Worldcon this summer. Looking forward to it; I’m on a few program items, and there are loads of friends I haven’t seen for a while there, too. We’ll be touring North California for a week or so before, doing the usual tourist stuff.


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