Your obsidian and blood post


Er, wow.

Lateral Books reviews Servant of the Underworld here:

I was totally knocked over by her deft use of Aztec history and legend to totally rivet me from the opening to the end. It has a fresh and unique feel which is very hard to describe. (…)

None of this, however, was the most exciting thing about this book. No, that belonged to the very first page. Where, in the title of the book, it says, Obsidian and Blood – Vol. 1.

Vol. 1.

That means there’s gonna be more. Thankyou, Angry Robot. They’ve done a great job in unearthing some of the most exciting books of last year, and no doubt will be digging up some more future giants this year. I fully expect Ms De Bodard’s name to be huge.

Meanwhile, book 2 is moving into its endgame. 90k words, 22.5 chapters down (and an embarrassing moment which revealed I had two chapters 21 in the book, soon fixed). About 10-15k words to go, and some cleaning up before the draft is ready. Trying to keep the doubt at bay.

PS: thank you so much for all the comments on the previous post. I will be tackling them, but they do require some thought to answer…


  1. Wow, Aliette! Great review.

  2. Hey, I discovered two chapters 26 in my ms. this weekend.

    More importantly, what a nice review. It sounds like you have a real fan there.

    Aliette de Bodard, Future Giant – FACT!

  3. Thanks, Doug!
    Dave, I had two chapters 26 in my previous novel as well :=)
    (and aw, thanks! It definitely looks like I have a bona fide fan)

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