So, we saw off 2009 in style, with a nice party, games (Citadels, Bang), and plenty of good food and drinks. Now it’s hangover time :=)

Still have to test out Korsar/Loot, which the BF gave me for my Christmas, which is apparently hilarious with a lot of people around the table (in case you’re wondering, I got him the Citadels and the Bang game. We apparently decided we needed more party games out of a common agreement).

Blog service is still minimum–will resume after Monday, when everything starts up again. I’m beefing up on the novel writing/WII playing (got the new Super Mario Bros and am slowly getting addicted to Harvest Moon, in spite of the %% loading times). And looking forward to some novel reading (including one I have to crit, and one for the Norton Award Jury).

Looming up in the coming week: the UK release of Servant of the Underworld (January 7th, way sooner than I’m ready for). I’m awaiting my copies with trepidation.

In the meantime, may you all have a great 2010, filled with awesomeness.


  1. Whats fair to pay someone to do some webdesign work on an existing website?

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