Cranberry scones
A variant on scones with cranberries.

Recipe type: Biscuit, Buffet Food, Dessert
Cuisine: English
So, the sekrit project…
Cranberry scones! Oh so tasty and yummy. Basically, my workplace has this baking competition where entrants bake to a theme, and the theme this time was “red”. (I lost the round to a strawberry tart, but it doesn’t matter, since I have a shiny new recipe to add to my arsenal)
Same recipe as orange and chocolate scones, except substitute the chocolate with 100g of dried cranberries soaked in water for a bit (ETA; after a second round of baking, I would skip the soaking unless your cranberries are really, really dry).
If you’re tired of the food porn, I have a guest post over at Aidan Moher’s A Dribble of Ink, where I discuss my experience in drawing inspiration from non-Western cultures. One thing I did forget to add to the post was the importance of acknowledging the source culture and material: a few handy links to books or websites people can consult can do wonders. (obviously, acknowledging and crediting your referents as well, but that’s kind of obvious).
That’s it. Off to do a crit and then work some more on the novella.