Couple of links

-My esssay “Pushing Back Against the Wall” is up, over at Lightspeed Magazine’s kickstarter for funding their special issue of “POC Destroy SF!” (edited by Nalo Hopkinson and Kristine Ong Muslim).
I am told I shouldn’t speak of this, because it makes me angry and unpleasant and unattractive, and is that what I really want to be, as an author?
But I have to speak up, lest I choke.
Read more.
-A Fantastical Librarian reviews The House of Shattered Wings
I loved The House of Shattered Wings. I found it immersive, delicious, and full of beautiful visuals. Definitely one I recommend.
-James Nicoll reviews Harbinger of the Storm (with new spiffy cover!)
Acatl’s problem is working out which of the dozens of competing schemes is causing the current crisis.
(I love this quote. It’s like my idea of court plotting in a nutshell :p)
And tonight I’m off to Margot Zhang’s bao class, aka finally mastering the art of little fluffy buns (thanks to the H and his Xmas present of a cookery class!)
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